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daily mail

  1. D

    Dave Gahan Depeche Frontman In New Mode (Daily Mail, 2003)

    Depeche Frontman In New Mode [Daily Mail, 2nd May 2003. Words: Adrian Thrills. Picture: Uncredited.] He has spent two decades as the singer in one of Britain's biggest rock bands, enjoying the exhilarating highs of global success and suffering the debauched lows of a drug addiction that...
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    Depeche Mode Magic Mode Put Sins Behind Them (Daily Mail, 1998)

    Magic Mode Put Sins Behind Them [Daily Mail, 25th September 1998. Words: Adrian Thrills. Picture: Anton Corbijn.] Confirming [the] most remarkable comeback in recent pop history Depeche Mode will play their first British concerts for five years next week in London, Manchester and Birmingham...