Depeche Mode - Bong 01 (1988-01...02) |

Depeche Mode Bong 01 (1988-01...02)


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Well-known member
Welcome to the very first edition of 'The Magazine With No Name'. If you've been a member of The Information Service all this magazine lark might seem a bit strange to you but I hope you enioy it. Instead of six newsletters per year, you'll receive four colour magazines with extra bits 'n' pieces thrown in through- out the year. There're lots of secret things going on but I can't tell you any of it cause I hate spoiling surprises!!

By the way, if there's anything you'd like to see in the magazine please let me know and I'll see what I can do — you can always write it yourself you know. After all, it is YOUR magazine! Two members have sent in articles which you can find further on in the magazine. If you think you can do better — Do it! You've probably already found your special Christmas/New Year pressie from the band. This is instead of the Usual 'printed signature' type Christmas card —we thought it might be a bit more special. the sound quality isn't as good as you'd expect from a DM recording because a flexi-disc is manufactured in a different way — still it's a great song and a very limited edition. There'll be no more available EVER!!!! The song is called 'Never Turn Your Back On Mother Earth' and is a Sparks track. Sparks were kind enough to give us permission to use it for the flexi-disc.

We've got plenty of colour photos of the band in action and the lyrics to all the tracks on 'Music For The Masses' I know that you've all been out and bought your copies because it went straight into the UK LP charts at number 10 — not bad at all!

It was great to see so many of you at the HMV Store on October 1st — I hope your photos came out OK if I took your cameras for you-- I've never seen so many posh cameras in one place before. I do hope I did't break any! I must apologise to those of you who waited so long for their last Newsletter. It was all my fault! There are SOOOOO many of you that it took me longer to send them out than I anticipated... it took weeks! Anyway — read on, and I hope you like the new-look club! Have a great New Year!
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Well-known member
Other bright sparkly things that have come DM's way recently are Gold Discs. They received them in France, Switzerland and Germany for sales of their LP 'Music For The Masses'. The recent tour of the U.S. went extremely well, culminating in a sell-out concert at New York's Madison Square Garden. It was so popular that the last ticket was sold only six hours after the concert was announced! One person described it as "The hottest ticket in town". Ron and Russell Mael, the two brothers who make up 'Sparks' were present at the band's LA concert. Martin has always been a fan of theirs. The new Depeche Mode video compilation which may or may not be called 'Agent Orange' will hopefully be available at the end of January and will feature 'PIMPF', 'NEVER LET ME DOWN AGAIN', 'STRANGELOVE', 'A QUESTION OF TIME' and 'BEHIND THE WHEEL'. The Video for 'BEHIND THE WHEEL' was filmed in Spain, near Malaga and, as usual was filmed by Anton Corbijn. Look out for Dave's very weird moustche[sic]!

As you probably all know by now, Dave and Jo's little boy Jack was born on the 14th October. I've seen him and he's GORGEOUS! Thanks to everyone for the presents, cards and good luck messages that you sent to Jo and Dave. They haven't time to thank you all personally so I've done it for them!!

You should have received a poll form with this magazine. Please fill it in and send it to me. It'd also be much easier for me if you'd write 'POLL' on the envelope and then it won't get muddled up in the rest of the mail that receive.

The winner of the 'BONG' competition which was run in the last newsletter was Julia Wright from Selly Oak in Birmingham. She'll be coming down to London on January 12th to see DM in concert and will then go backstage to meet them. Her winning entry was: A 'BONG' is the sound of a single hitting the charts.

The winner of the LOGO competition hasn't been decided as yet, as we had so many brilliant entries. The winner will be notified before the next Magazine is written. The prize, however, is still a secret!

Andy Franks football hero
Andy Franks, the Depeche Mode Production Manager unfortunately fell ill during the recent German concerts and had to undergo a Brain Operation in Berlin. Happily, he's almost fully recovered and will shortly be back at work. This was a bit of a blow for the rest of the Depeche Mode crew, as Andy Franks is their football squad secret weapon and, only days before had scored both goals in a Depeche v Intercord football match! The 2-1 win was the first ever victory against the German Intercord squad! When Andy was in hospital, our team lost 3-2 to a French side made up of promoters and media. Andy Fletcher mananged[sic] to score 2 goals but the side definitely lacked Andy Frank's dribbling. As the opposition did a lap of honour with the trophy — a large silver 'BONG', the Depeche squad shuffled up to receive their prizes — small silver 'bongs'. A spectator was heard to remark, "We're as sick as parrots, Brian"
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Well-known member
By Charmaine Ramdass

Belgian band Front 242 appear to be very threatening live, with their smooth blend of intricate melodies, heavy basslines and the violent impact their music delivers. This type of politically motivated music sets the mind, as well as the feet, in motion. The music has a number of meanings, to be interpreted by the individual can confuse the listener. Front 242 thrive on their audience's confusion, hence the importance of their costumes — SAS-like riot gear, portraying a seemingly raw violence to complement their music.

However, despite the serious aura surrounding the music, I couldn't help but like them. Their performance at the Bercy Stadium (supporting Depeche Mode on their European tour) was excellent — the music was melodious, immensely danceable and extremely listenable. I started to tap my feet to the first number and continue through the show — great stuff! The element of pure violence that accompanies their music excites and revitalizes, with my personal favourites being 'Television Station' and 'Aggressiva'. This individual group is a unique cocktail of Kraftwerk, Depeche Mode and DAF and is easy to listen to.

My advice is — get your listening gear round this lot. You'll be hearing a lot more of them in '88!


If you want your name in the Pen Pals section, send a postcard with your name, full address, age and a little bit about yourself to the usual fan club address.

A iournalist meets DEPECHE MODE at a party. He tries to get an interview...
Journalist: Tell me Dave, when will you finish the next album?
Dave: It's iust A QUESTION OF TIME before it's finished. Martin is just going to buy A NEW DRESS first, AND THEN we'll finish it afterwards.
Journalist: Why are you always DRESSED IN BLACK by the way? This party seems like A BLACK CELEBRATION, MORE THAN A PARTY.
Martin: Why wear coloured clothes on a BLACK DAY like this?
Journalist: Your new single is about a SATELLITE, a weather report and the difference between THE SUN AND THE RAINFALL. That is quite strong isn't it?
Andy: No, because the weather stories are STORIES OF OLD. Everybody talks about the weather. Besides, you've obviously not understood the irony.
Journalist: Aah. . . Well. But now to my next question. I heard that you STRIPPED to get into a club in Finland. Was it just for SOMETHING TO DO, or was there SOMEBODY there you didn't like?
Alan: I suppose we SHOULDN'T HAVE DONE THAT, even though IT DOESN'T MATTER really. BOYS SAY GO you know!
Journalist: (To Dave who has become a bit drunk) NOW, THIS IS FUN but don't you think it might start some BLASPHEMOUS RUMOURS?
Dave: Pardon? Oh... gosh! I can SEE YOU double!... NOTHING seems impossible nowadays. WHAT'S YOUR NAME, by the way? Donald FOOLS?. . . What a name! Mine's Dave... Oh sorry, I stepped on your foot. I just can't seem to GET THE BALANCE RIGHT. Let me tell you what happened yesterday. I was on my way to the studio when I saw a FLY ON THE WINDSCREEN as I was sitting BEHIND THE WHEEL. Brave as I am, I told myself that a fly is NOTHING TO FEAR, and since I'm not a MONUMENT, I gave it a TWO MINUTE WARNING. we were like a MASTER AND SERVANT, I was the master of the course. I told it to LEAVE IN SILENCE and it did! Hmmmm. . . I JUST CAN'T GET ENOUGH of this wonderful wine. Oh yes, you asked me A QUESTION OF LUST, didn't you? sorry, but SOMETIMES I didn't quite catch THE THINGS YOU SAID. Well, I suppose it was something boring anyway. IF YOU WANT, I can tell you THE MEANING OF LOVE...
Journalist: Aaaah. Well, later perhaps BUT NOT TONIGHT, (He runs away)
Dave: I'm getting pretty good at fooling journalists!!!

(This was written by a member from somewhere in Europe. He/she didn't enclose their name but they'll know who they are!)
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Well-known member
by Charmaine Ramdass

It was an amazing scene. The Bercy Stadium in Paris (16th November), packed to the brim with about 16,000 enthusiastic and eager French fans, with a handful of British fans (including myself) thrown in for good measure! Everyone seemed wild with excitement, all with the same aim, impatient and worked up into a frenzy to see their idols. After all, it is one year since Depeche Mode have played live in Paris and since then their following has grown considerably and they have become something of a 'cult' band. The audience was a very mixed bag too, ranging from hysterical screaming girls, small children and grandparents, to the usual bunch of look-alikes etc... all ready and impatient to be entertained. Any support band would have been terrified to play to this ravenous audience, who were ready to chew up and spit out anything and anyone while waiting for Depeche Mode! Surprisingly, Front 242 managed to please the crowd greatly!

As soon as Front 242 had left the stage, a low murmur ran through the crowd, turning into loud wolf whistles, football-style chanting and screams of anticipation. Soon, the houselights dimmed and the audience went into a frenzy! The intro to 'PIMPF' belted out and the smog machine worked away like mad to churn out as much as it possibly could to fill the huge stage and overflow into the audience. A pale yellow glow lit the stage like a halo, a metaphor not really suited to our boys, I mean, how many angelic figures have you seen clad in black leather? As the smog thinned out, four figures could be seen behind a mesh curtain which dropped as Depeche Mode began with their latest single 'BEHIND THE WHEEL'.

It was really a night to remember! Toes tapped as Dave Gahan belted out the familiar songs with enthusiasm and obvious enjoyment. He charged around the stage as though he had been shot from a cannon, pausing only to swing the mike stand around 'rock 'n' roll' style and make the odd suggestive movement. This seemed to drive the crowd (especially the girlies) even wilder and he seemed to have them eating out of his hand. It only took one clap from him to get them all clapping! It felt good to be part of an audience enioying themselves so unselfconsciously to the full during gems like 'STRIPPED', 'MASTER & SERVANT', 'SHAKE THE DISEASE', 'PEOPLE ARE PEOPLE', and 'PLEASURE LITTLE TREASURE'. There was a rapturous applause as Martin Gore took the helm to sing his solo numbers, 'PIPELINE' and 'THE THINGS YOU SAID'. Everyone, including the band, seemed to be enjoying themselves. Dave Graham[sic] pranced round excitedly, Andy Fletcher jumped around a lot, Martin Gore beamed at the reaction of the audience and even Alan Wilder managed to let out the occasional smile!!!

The atmosphere was electric, charged up totally by the excitement of the crowd. Everything about the show was fantastic, especially the stage set, designed by Jane Spiers, in the unique Depeche Mode style complete with flags, curtains, logos, elaborate lighting, a moving stage and a few dangling drum pads.

Depeche Mode's success is well deserved. They do make exceptionally fine tunes and are excellent live entertainers, putting on a fantastic live show — the best seen this year — roll on Wembley!!!
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Well-known member
My little girl
Drive anywhere
Do what you want
I don't care
I'm in the hands of fate
I hand myself
Over on a plate
Oh little girl
There are times when I feel
I'd rather not be
The one behind the wheel
Pull my strings
Watch me move
I do anything
Sweet little girl
I prefer
You behind the wheel
And me the passenger
I'm yours to keep
Do what you want
I'm going cheap
You're behind the wheel tonight

To put it in words
To write it down
That is walking on hallowed ground
But it's my duty
I'm a missionary
So here is my confession
It's an obsession
a firm believer
And a warm receiver
And I've made my decision
This is religion
There's no doubt
I'm one of the devout
Trying to sell the story
Of love's eternal glory
Spreading the news around the world
Taking the word to boys and girls
I'm a firm believer
And a warm receiver
And I will go down on my knees
When I see beauty
There's no doubt
I'm one of the devout
Trying to sell the story
Of love's eternal glory
To put it in words
To write it down
That is walking on hallowed ground
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Well-known member
I'm taking a ride
With my best friend
I hope he never lets me down again
He knows where he's taking me
Taking me where I want to be
I'm taking a ride

With my best friend
We're flying high
We're watching the world pass us by
Never want to come down
Never want to put my feet back down
On the ground

I'm taking a ride
With my best friend
I hope he never lets me down again
Promises me I'm safe as houses
As long as I remember who's wearing
the trousers
I hope he never lets me down again

Never let me again

See the stars, they're shining bright
Everything's alright tonight
Little 15
You help her forget
The world outside
You're not part of it yet
And if you could drive
You could drive her away
To a happier place
To a happier day
That exists in your mind
And in your smile
She could escape there
Just for a while
Little 15

Little 15
Why take the smooth with the rough
When things run smooth
It's already more than enough
She knows your mind
Is not yet in league
With the rest of the world
And it's little intrigues
Do you understand
Do you know what she means
As time goes by
And when you've seen what she's seen
You will
Little 15

Little 15
Why does she have to defend
Her feelings inside
Why pretend
She's not had a life
A life of near misses
Now all that she wants
Is 3 little wishes
She wants to see with your eyes
She wants to smile with your smile
She wants a nice surprise
Every once in a while
Little 15
I heard it from my friends
About the things you said
I heard it from my friends
About the things you said
But they know me better than that
They know me better than that
They know my weaknesses
I never tried to hide them
They know my weaknesses
I never denied them

I heard it from my friends
About the things you said
I heard it from my friends
About the things you said
How can a view become so twisted
How can a view become so twisted
They know my weaknesses
I never tried to hide them
They know my weaknesses
You tried them

I get so carried away
You brought me down to earth
I thought we had something precious
Now I know what it's worth

I heard it from my friends
About the things you said
I heard it from my friends
About the things you said
I've never felt so disappointed
Never felt so disappointed
They know my weaknesses
never tried to hide them
They know my weaknesses
Thought you like them

They know me better than that
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Well-known member
Sitting target
Sitting waiting
Is full of surprises
It advertises

What am I trying to do
What am I trying to say
I'm not trying to tell you anything
You didn't know
When you woke up today

Sitting target
Sitting praying
God is saying
Knows the prospects
Learnt to expect
I need to be cleansed
It's time to make amends
For all the fun
the damage is done
And I feel diseased
I'm down on my knees
And I need forgiveness
Someone to bear witness
To the goodness within
Beneath the sin
Although I may flirt
With all kinds of dirt
To the point of disease
Now I want release
From all this decay
Take it away
And somewhere
There's someone who cares
With a heart of gold
To have and to hold
I want you now
Tomorrow won't do
There's a yearning inside
And it's showing through
Reach out your hands
And accept my love
We've waited for too long
Enough is enough

I want you now

My heart is aching
My body is burning
My hands are shaking
My head is turning
You understand
It's so easy to choose
We've got time to kill
We've got nothing to lose

I want you now

And I mean to sound
Like one of the boys
That's not what I'm trying to do
I don't want to be
Like one of the boys
I just want you now

Because I've got a love
A love that won't wait
A love that is growing
And it's getting late
Do you know what it means
To be left this way
When everyone's gone
And the feelings they stay

I want you now
When my crimes
Will seem almost forgivable
I give in to sin
Because you have to make this life liveable
But when you think I've had enough
From your sea of love
I'll take more than another riverfull
And I'll make it all worthwhile
I'll make your heart smile

Strange highs and strange lows
That's how my love goes
Will you give it to me
Will you take the pain
I will give to you
Again and again
And will you return it

There'll be days
When I'll stray
I may appear to be
Constantly out of reach
I give in to sin
Because I like to practise what I preach
I'm not trying to say
I'll have it all my way
I'm always willing to learn
when you've got something to teach
And I'll make it worthwhile
I'll make your heart smile

Pain will you return it
I'll say it again — pain
Pain will you return it
I won't say it again

I give in
Again and again
I give in
Will you give it to me
I give in
I'll say it again
I give in

I give in
Again and again
I give in
That's how my love goes
I give in
I'll say it again
I give in
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Well-known member
Bong 1 (January 1988)
A Story.... (spoof band interview) by an anonymous fan
Depeche Mode Live in Paris by Charmaine Ramdass

page 1 Dave snoozing
page 2 the band and the Never Let Me Down Again bubble car
page 3 the band with Sonet's Denmark manager
page 4 page 5 the band off duty


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Well-known member
[From Bong 1, January 1988. Words: Uncredited.]
A spoof interview with the band members cramming in Depeche song titles.

A journalist meets DEPECHE MODE at a party. He tries to get an interview....

Journalist: Tell me Dave, when will you finish the next album?

Dave: It's just A QUESTION OF TIME before it's finished. Martin is just going to buy a NEW DRESS first, AND THEN we'll finish it afterwards.

Journalist: Why are you always DRESSED IN BLACK by the way? This party seems like a BLACK CELEBRATION, MORE THAN A PARTY.

Martin: Why wear coloured clothes on a BLACK DAY like this?

Journalist: Your new single is about a SATELLITE, a weather report and the difference between THE SUN AND THE RAINFALL. That is quite strong isn't it?

Andy: No, because the weather stories are STORIES OF OLD. Everybody talks about the weather. Besides, you've obviously not understood the irony.

Journalist: Aah... Well... but now to my next question. I heard that you STRIPPED to get into a club in Finland. Was it just for SOMETHING TO DO or was there SOMEBODY there you didn't like?

Alan: I suppose we SHOULDN'T HAVE DONE THAT, even though IT DOESN'T MATTER really. BOYS SAY GO you know!

Journalist: (To Dave who has become a bit drunk) NOW, THIS IS FUN but don't you think it might start some BLASPHEMOUS RUMOURS?

Dave: Pardon? Oh... gosh! I can SEE YOU double!... NOTHING seems impossible nowadays. WHAT'S YOUR NAME, by the way?... Donald FOOLS?... What a name! Mine's Dave... Oh sorry, I stepped on your foot. I just can't seem to GET THE BALANCE RIGHT. Let me tell you what happened yesterday. I was on my way to the studio when I saw a FLY ON THE WINDSCREEN as I was sitting BEHIND THE WHEEL. Brave as I am, I told myself a fly is NOTHING TO FEAR, and since I'm not a MONUMENT I gave it a TWO MINUTE WARNING. We were like a MASTER AND SERVANT, I was the master of course. I told it to LEAVE IN SILENCE... and it did! Hmmmm... I JUST CAN'T GET ENOUGH of this wonderful wine. Oh yes, you asked me A QUESTION OF LUST didn't you? Sorry, but SOMETIMES I didn't quite catch THE THINGS YOU SAID. Well, I suppose it was something boring anyway. IF YOU WANT, I can tell you THE MEANING OF LOVE...

Journalist: Aaaah... well, later perhaps BUT NOT TONIGHT, (He runs away)

Dave: I'm getting pretty good at fooling journalists!!!

(This was written by a member from somewhere in Europe. He / she didn't enclose their name but they'll know who they are!)

[1] - They certainly did - here's the story.

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Well-known member
[From Bong 1, January 1988. Words: Charmaine Ramdass.]
Review of the 16th November 1987 performance at the Bercy Stadium, Paris.

It was an amazing scene. The Bercy Stadium in Paris (16th November), packed to the brim with about 16,000 enthusiastic and eager French fans, with a handful of British fans (including myself) thrown in for good measure!

Everyone seemed wild with excitement, all with the same aim, impatient and worked up into a frenzy to see their idols. After all, it is one year since Depeche Mode have played live in Paris and since then their following has grown considerably and they have become something of a ‘cult’ band. The audience was a very mixed bag too, ranging from hysterical screaming girls, small children and grandparents, to the usual bunch of look-alikes etc… all ready and impatient to be entertained.

Any support band would have been terrified to play to this ravenous audience, who were ready to chew up and spit out anything and anyone while waiting for Depeche Mode! Surprisingly, Front 242 managed to please the crowd greatly!

As soon as Front 242 had left the stage, a low murmur ran through the crowd, turning into loud wolf whistles, football-style chanting and screams of anticipation. Soon, the houselights dimmed and the audience went into a frenzy!

The intro to ‘PIMPF’ belted out and the smog machine worked away like mad to churn out as much as it possibly could to fill the huge stage and overflow into the audience. A pale yellow glow lit the stage like a halo, a metaphor not really suited to our boys, I mean, how many angelic figures have you seen clad in black leather?

As the smog thinned out, four figures could be seen behind a mesh curtain which dropped as Depeche Mode began with their latest single ‘BEHIND THE WHEEL’.

It was really a night to remember! Toes tapped as Dave Gahan belted out the familiar songs with enthusiasm and obvious enjoyment. He charged around the stage as though he had been shot from a cannon, pausing only to swing the mike stand around ‘rock’n’roll’ style and make the odd suggestive movement. This seemed to drive the crowd (especially the girlies) even wilder and he seemed to have them eating out of his hand. It only took one clap from him to get them all clapping!
It felt good to be part of an audience enjoying themselves so unselfconsciously to the full during gems like ‘STRIPPED’, ‘MASTER & SERVANT’, ‘SHAKE THE DISEASE’, ‘PEOPLE ARE PEOPLE’, AND ‘PLEASURE LITTLE TREASURE’.

There was a rapturous applause as Martin Gore took the helm to sing his solo numbers, ‘PIPELINE’ and ‘THE THINGS YOU SAID’. Everyone, including the band, seemed to be enjoying themselves. Dave Gahan pranced round excitedly, Andy Fletcher jumped around a lot, Martin Gore beamed at the reaction of the audience and even Alan Wilder managed to let out the occasional smile!!!

The atmosphere was electric, charged up totally by the excitement of the crowd. Everything about the show was fantastic, especially the stage set, designed by Jane Spiers, in the unique Depeche Mode style complete with flags, curtains, logos, elaborate lighting, a moving stage and a few dangling drum pads.

Depeche Mode’s success is well deserved. They do make exceptionally fine tunes and are excellent live entertainers, putting on a fantastic live show – the best I’ve seen this year – roll on Wembley!!!