Depeche Mode - Bong 08 (1990-01) |

Depeche Mode Bong 08 (1990-01)


Well-known member
Bong 8 (January 1990)

Ask Martin

page 1 Dave at the Enjoy The Silence video shoot
page 2 Martin at Sacree Soir
page 3 the band at Dusseldorf Airport, and Fletch backstage at a TV show
page 4 Dave at the Enjoy The Silence video shoot
page 5 Dave goes native
page 6 Martin backstage at a TV show
page 7 the band at a TV show


Well-known member
[From Bong 8, January 1990.]
Martin answers questions submitted by Bong members.

Do you have any phobias? – what are they?
Car crashes.

What do you do in your spare time?
I play video games, go out with friends and watch films and videos.

Do you have any bad habits?
I put everything off as long as I possibly can.

Do you have any regrets?
Regrets, I’ve had a few but then again…

Will you be doing another solo album?
No plans yet, but possibly.

Which is your favourite ‘live’ band?
Nitzer Ebb.

Would you like to act?
I have absolutely no desire to act at all!

Did you, Fletch and Alan go to Dave’s wedding?
Yes. [1]

What’s your favourite sport?

What subject did you most enjoy at school?
French and German equally.

Do you prefer playing live to working in the studio?
Depends on my mood, I sometimes do.

What’s your favourite DM video?

What’s your favourite ‘b’ side?
Ice Machine.

Do your family collect newspaper cuttings of you?
They used to but I think they’ve given up.

What bands did you grow up liking?
Gary Glitter, Sparks.

On average, how many songs do you write in a year?
Somewhere between 10 & 15.

Is your hair permed or naturally curly?
Naturally curly (Honestly!).

What’s the song you played in ‘101’ in the guitar shop in Nashville?
Nothing in particular. I made it up as I went along.

On the Nitzer Ebb album “Belief” Depeche Mode have been credited. How did you help the band?
We didn’t actually do anything, we just know them and they played with us on part of the tour.

Would you like to produce another band?
I’m not particularly interested in production.

How long does it take you to write a song?
Anything from 5 minutes to a year or more.

How old were you when you wrote your first song?
13. It was really shit!

Which is your favourite song on “Counterfeit”?
In A Manner Of Speaking.

When did you learn to play the keyboard, and what was your first synth?
I only started playing when I was 17 or 18 and my first synth was a Yamaha CS5.

Do you like doing TV work, such as “Top Of The Pops”?
It’s usually really boring. Some shows are worse than others. TOTP is always a guaranteed day of monotony.

Do you eat fish and dairy products and when did you decide to become a vegetarian?
I have been a vegetarian for 6 ? years. At first I didn’t eat fish but I started again 1 ? years ago because I couldn’t resist Rock Eel.

Were you ever in the school or a church choir when you were younger?
No. I like the easy questions!

[1] - This will be Dave's first marriage, to Joanne Fox on 3rd August 1985.