Dave Gahan - Basildon Band! (My Guy, 1981) | dmremix.pro

Dave Gahan Basildon Band! (My Guy, 1981)


Well-known member
Basildon Band!
[My Guy, 5th September 1981. Words: Uncredited. Picture: Uncredited.]

Brief, extremely lightweight article, most of which is Dave giving the basics of the band. Very cheesy, very starry-eyed, but a rare instance of a band member being able to talk freely without being examined by the author.
" So far we’re very happy with what we’ve done but we’d like as much success as we can get and as much money in the bank as we can get! "
Summary: Brief, extremely lightweight article, most of which is Dave giving the basics of the band. Very cheesy, very starry-eyed, but a rare instance of a band member being able to talk freely without being examined by the author. Includes a snippet about Dave and his star sign. [451 words]

Dave Gahan is the dishy lead man with Depeche Mode. Their second single New Life crashed into the charts and when you hear what Dave has to say you’ll know why…

“We’re all very young, the eldest one of us is only 20, but we’ve been helped along the way with a lot of really good advice. We’ve managed to avoid making the mistakes that so many young bands make.

“We had lots of offers from big record companies and it was very tempting ’cos they offer you a big advance, but what’s the point, you only have to pay it back! We stuck with our small record company because we wanted to get a solid base for our careers and not just be part of the New Romantic trend that lots of the big record companies are going for.

“New Romantics are really corny, we’ve got a modern sound and image but it’s original not part of some trend.

“We’ve played a lot of the London clubs and we got the name Basildon Boys because that’s where we’re from, east of London, but now we’d like to tour in The North. Our live show is very danceable and we think it’ll go down well.

“So far we’re very happy with what we’ve done but we’d like as much success as we can get and as much money in the bank as we can get! We want to be able to change our sound if we want and for our fans we want to put together a really great stage show.”

And talking of fans do the band have many?

“We do get some fan mail, although not much yet, but we reckon that’s ’cos people don’t know our address!”

Bet that’s the right reason because Dave, Martin, Vince and Andy are all very good looking guys! Before they went professional the band had nice respectable careers worked out.

“I was a trainee window dresser,” Dave explained, “Andy was an insurance man, Martin worked in a bank and Vince was unemployed. But none of us gave up our jobs till we were sure we could make it as a band.”

So prove them right and keep their singles in the charts!

Snippet: "Was Dave A Gold Digger?"

Dave Gahan was born on May 9th under the star sign of Taurus.

We reckon if anyone is, Dave’s a golden boy. Fortune smiles on him and you can bet it did in the past!

Dave would never have been a gold prospector, far too messy for him, he’d have been the man doing the buying instead of the digging!

Once he’d got the loot Dave would have done what any fella would – spend it on his fave pastime, girls!
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