Depeche Mode - 1983-10-0x London, The Magic Box, Capital Radio |

Depeche Mode 1983-10-0x London, The Magic Box, Capital Radio


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1983-10-0x The Magic Box, Capital Radio, London, UK

Gary Crowley interviews the band (minus Martin Gore on Capital Radio's 'The Magic Box' before one of the three concerts at Hammersmith Odeon in early October

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Gary Crowley also interviewed Dave Gahan on BBC's 'Earsay' a year later .
Duration: 01:35 minutes
low generation Maxell XLII 90 high position cassette, 1982 - 1984 Europe stock -> T echnics RS-AZ7 cassette deck -> Y amaha RX-V1300RDS receiver -> Roland
R-05 (24/48) -> WA V (16/44) -> encoded to MP3 for streaming
Transfer: darkdevoted


Well-known member

Gary: [...] certainly this afternoon, the studio is absolutely crowd packed. And if you were listening earlier on in the programme, you would have heard me gave away
two pairs of tickets for the Depeche Mode concert at Hammersmith Odeon this evening. And they just popped in, halfway through the soundcheck, I believe: Andy?
Andy: Alright, that's right, yeah.
Gary: So tell us about the tour , what's it been like, man?
Andy: Really good. Really brilliant.
Gary: Where have you been? Everywhere?
Andy: Y eah. Ireland, Scotland, England and Wales, all over .
Gary: What's the reaction been?
Andy: Brilliant. Y eah, really good.
Gary: Alan, the LP , I mean, you have been previewing tracks from that, obviously: what has been the reaction to that?
Alan: Very good, yeah, we're playing all of the new LP , and it's gone down really well. And then we end up with a few more well-known numbers at the end, so it's
really good...
Gary: Oldies but goldies?
Alan: Y eah that's right, yeah.
Gary: So what's in the pipeline, the immediate future, for the lot?
Alan: Well, we're supposed to go to America in a week's time but we're not sure if it's still gonna happen, but we got a few European gigsGary: What's been the reaction to Depeche Mode over there in America?
Alan: Well, very good at gigs, but we haven't had any chart success, really . But it's picking up all the time: we're getting MTV , and, eh... And the gigs, we can do very
large gigs and go down really well.
Gary: Right. So listen - new seasoned giggers - have you got any advice for the boys from Wham!, I mean, they're off on their first tour?
Dave: Hehehe. Bring [tennis] bats.
Alan: Well, I'm just glad we finished and you're just starting.
Andy: [Laughs]
Gary: OK, here's the Wham! single, thanks for coming in.
[DM's 'Love In Itself' starts playing]
Dave: Y eah, that'sGary: Wham! - Depeche Mode single, get it right!