Depeche Mode - Bong 19 (1994-01) |

Depeche Mode Bong 19 (1994-01)


Well-known member
Bong 19 (January 1994)


Well-known member
Bong 19 (January 1994)

Ask Dave
Dave's Birthday in Russia by Sergey Krawets
Faith and Devotion of Depeche Mode Friends by Michaela Olexova

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Well-known member
[From Bong 19, January 1994.]
An obviously stoned Dave does his best to answer some of the fans' questions. There are some real prize-winning replies in here...

What do you think of Terry Hoax’s version of Policy Of Truth?
It’s all right

What is your favourite DM track written by Alan?
Two Minute Warning

Do you believe in God?
I believe in something

What is your favourite TV show?
Beavis & Butthead and The Simpsons

At what age did you start singing?
At age four when I was forced to go to Sunday school

Why do you always wear an obelisk? Is it for religious reasons?
Because Daryl says I can do whatever I want

Do you ever read BONG?

What song, to date, do you feel you sing the best?
Condemnation [1]

Do you ever get nervous before shows?
Sure, sure, sometimes, maybe, well no

What do you fear the most?

If you could change the world, what’s the first thing you would do?
Make it flat

Did / do you ever plan to do a solo album?
Maybe later, I just want to paint [2]

Are you interested in politics?
Not really

In your opinion, what’s the best DM song recorded to date?
I Feel You

Besides English, do you speak any other language?

Who is your favourite actor?
Beavis, Bart Simpson

Do you have any pets?
Guido the cat

How old were you when you had your first kiss?
Don’t remember, before 19

Do you have a favourite singer / band?

What’s your favourite place in the world?
Me home

What advice would you give to Jack (Dave’s son) if he decided to follow in your footsteps?
Become an accountant

Do you have a favourite artist?
Yes [3]

Is there anyone you’d like to do a duet with?
I can’t think of any

What do you get out of painting?
About $20, fantasy

Which of DM’s albums do you rate the most?
Of course Songs Of Faith And Devotion

Have you ever wished you were someone else?
Yes, Steven Mason

Do you, Martin, Andy, and Alan ever socialise outside of working hours?

Is there any particular song you find difficult to sing live?
Roxanne by The Police

Who or what is the most important thing in your life?
Me missus innit

Do you play any sports?

What was your childhood ambition?
To be a rock star

What is your favourite colour?

What is your favourite food?

What do you wear to bed?

Do you like touring? What was your favourite?
Yes, this one

[1] - Well here at least is the most sensible answer of the lot. Dave has consistently said, and others have agreed, that Condemnation is his finest vocal performance to date.
[2] - Dave had started writing songs himself as far back as 1985, and had more underway by 1996: when his house was burgled at this time, recording studio equipment and demo tapes of some solo tracks were amongst the belongings taken.
[3] - He's gone and answered the question absolutely literally, but the artist he had in mind was probably Hieronymus Bosch. Dave began to take an interest in Bosch's work after Anton Corbijn drew heavily on his style for the Walking In My Shoes video in 1993.


Well-known member
[From Bong 19, January 1994. Words: Sergey Krawets.]
Problem: Depeche Mode have not played in your country for some time. Solution? March on the British Embassy, and hand in a formal written request. Anyone who isn't slack-jawed in admiration of the sheer balls of these Russian fans needs their head checking...

Dear BONG,

My name is Sergey Krawets and I operate a small fan club here in Moscow, Russia. I’m also a student at the Institute, and I recently had an article published by the newspaper. I wrote the article using information I found in BONG. I am not a member of BONG because it is very hard to get subscriptions here in Russia, however we do have friends who occasionally copy it for us. I hope you do not disapprove that we use and share your wonderful magazine, but BONG is the only reliable source of information about Depeche Mode we have, and we thank you for all the things you do for the fans.

Also, I have included an article about the Depeche Mode gathering we had on May 9, 1992. I hope you like it, and will share it with all the members of BONG.

When we arrived at the station of Mayakovskaya in Moscow, where all the DM fans gathered, there were many DM fans from our country there. Most of the fans dressed in Depeche Mode style. We sang songs as we walked down the main street and shouted, Depeche Mode. Most of the people that watched stayed rooted to the spot, stopped dead from this strange procession and our very loud echo. It was splendid. We went to the English embassy to hand ambassadorial letters for Depeche Mode, in which we asked if they would come to our country. Everyone signed the letter! Later we went to a bar and had a high old time. We were speaking and debating loudly. Then at five PM we went to the Disco, Orion. Many fans had gathered there by the time we arrived. It was a bit like Camden Palace. [1] We went into the club and saw the Long Play newspaper for DM fans. Cassettes were also on sale. I bought “People Are People”, “World In My Eyes”, and a DM photo. We then danced in the club that was decorated with name inscriptions of Depeche Mode and big posters of Dave, Martin, Alan and Andy. There was a big competition on the most knowledge, hair style, and super fan, etc. This celebration continued until eleven PM and music was playing all the time, but not only DM, but also music by Front 242, Kraftwerk, and Nitzer Ebb. They also showed a programme on TV of a Nitzer Ebb interview. At the end of the show the English BBC came to see us. It was great. Everybody pushed forward to get in front of the camera. I was on camera for about two seconds. I got to know many fans.

[1] - Sergey is referring to the venue for several Bong Conventions in London in the early Nineties. Read the reports for 1990, 1991 and 1992 here.

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Well-known member
[From Bong 19, January 1994. Words: Michaela Olexova.]
A report on a fan convention in Czechoslovakia.

… No doubt the biggest social music event of this weekend in Prague was the convention of the Depeche Mode Friends Fan Club in the hall Lucerna. Besides the effective lighting, disco, attractive competitions and big attention of all participants, a few live bands were introduced to the crowds. Among the invited guests was Dusan Vozary (Ocean) with his own solo project, the band Datwerk and Michal Jirak’s K.M.K. . Surprisingly the event for thousands of fans was organized without any sponsors. This remarkable evening was created by a few enthusiastic girls who actually run the Czech Fan Club of the British group Depeche Mode…

The annual convention of the Czechoslovak Fan Club, “Depeche Mode Friends”, held this year on Saturday, April 3 in Prague’s concert hall “Lucerna”, celebrated five years since the DM concert in Prague, 1988, as well as the release of DM’s latest album “Songs Of Faith And Devotion”. The doors opened at 3:00 PM and about 1,000 fans ran through the hall to be a part of the varied programme.

The most requested songs were from the new album as well as the video in between the disco. We organized many attractive competitions with fabulous prizes for all participants. The most popular competitions were the DM look-a-like, Megamix DM, and DM Lyrics in which the fans had to match the titles with a few lines from several songs. Other competitions included “Best Dancer” and “Masterquiz” that were open to everyone. We had prizes for the lucky winners in the tombola and many give-aways for the dancing crowds.

To vary the evening, there were two live concerts from the young techno bands “KMK” and “Datwerk”. Both received a huge round of applause from the audience. The fans also had a chance to see the November recording of Coercion taken during the convention in London. [1]

The event finished around midnight, but the atmosphere of that special night remained long after. Without the help of the people who were around when we needed it, the convention would not have been a success. Thank you to all the fans who attended, all the musical guests, organizers, BONG, Mute Records and especially Depeche Mode themselves.

The “DM Friends” convention was the biggest social music event in Prague during the first weekend in April and some Czech national newspapers covered the event.

[1] - This is the 1992 Bong Convention.

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