Depeche Mode - Bong 42 (1999-12) |


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Bong 42 (December 1999)
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Bong 42 (December 1999)

Martin Gore Personal File
I Met That Bloke From Depeche Mode Once by Marilyn Owen / "Berangere"
Shows In Their Eyes by Marilyn Owen

page 1 promotional shot of Martin from the Personal File


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[From Bong 42, December 1999. Words: Marilyn Owen / "Berangere".]
Summary: A Welsh and a French fan describe the times they met members of Depeche Mode in person. [489 words]
[As this was a regular feature there are too many similar articles to list here. Try the Bong main page, beginning at Bong 24.]

I too met those guys from Depeche Mode once – it was 1990 at Wembley Arena. My cousin who lives in London managed to get some backstage passes from her friend who was friendly with a guy called Warren. He was from America and he was controlling the lights on stage. [1] After the concert which again was excellent, I don’t know why but I get really emotional at Depeche Mode concerts and always end up crying, we were taken backstage. First I made myself look respectable, just in case I saw my hero and my idol Dave Gahan. There was a lot of fans backstage and I don’t know why but I just knew that there was no way that they were going to enter the room that we were in. I asked Warren: “Are the boys going to come in here?” He said “no”, but I begged and pleaded on my knees for him to take me to where Depeche Mode were. After about five minutes of literally doing this guy’s head in, he said to my cousin joy and myself, “follow me”. I was shaking so much that I spilt my lager!! We were led down some corridors and he said: “It’s that door, you’re on your own from here.” We didn’t know which door as there was so many and so we chose one. Joy opened it and there was Dave and his then wife Theresa. [2] We only caught a quick glance as bouncers appeared from everywhere. We then followed the crowd into a huge room and there was Andy and Martin playing a game of pinball. Anyway, Alan appeared and he looked quite different in real life. We watched the game for a while and Joy was calling my name but I wasn’t taking any notice because I was standing right next to Martin. Joy shouted again and so I stepped out into a long corridor. My body froze, my heart beating like a train, my legs were like jelly, I was speechless… There was Dave and he looked beautiful. He then had his black flat top and looked very fit. He came over to us, we shook hands but I never spoke a word. I simply couldn’t. My cousin did all the talking as I was speechless. When it was time to leave I was gutted and broken hearted. I could have stayed for ever. Martin was talking to some fans so I went up to him, shook his hand and told him that I thought Depeche Mode were the best band in the world. He smiled and said: “Thank you very much.” Now that night of 23rd November 1990 has been the best day of my life ever.
Marilyn Owen
Anglesey, England [sic]

Yes, I met those blokes from Depeche Mode once. Firstly, I was lucky enough to meet Dave and then Fletch in front of his restaurant Gascognes on 29th August 1996.

[1] - This sounds like Warren Flynn, who is listed in the Violator tour programme as a "varilite operator".
[2] - Dave and Theresa didn't tie the knot until 1992. It's fair to assume that the woman wasn't Joanne, who was still his wife at the time, as both Jo's and Theresa's faces are fairly well known amongst fans from their brief appearances in the film 101.


Well-known member
[From Bong 42, December 1999. Words: Marilyn Owen.]
Summary: A long-standing Welsh fan relives a show she attended during the 1998 Singles Tour.
[As this was a regular feature there are too many similar articles to list here. Try the Bong main page, beginning at Bong 39.]

Having not seen my beloved Depeche Mode since 1990, I couldn’t wait to see them on their “Singles 86-98 Tour”, so I did four concerts in one week – London, Manchester, Birmingham and Paris. My dream was to see Depeche Mode in Europe and Paris it was to be. I chose Paris because the flight was short – I have a fear of flying but I love Depeche Mode with all my heart and the fear was drowned by excitement. I must add that I met a lot of Depeche Mode fans and made some great new friends. “Hello” everyone, especially Steve from the band Monochrome who I met some time ago in a Depeche Mode night in Manchester. I went to the Manchester and Birmingham concerts on my own and enjoyed every second of it. My friends said that I was very brave but when you love someone so much you will do anything. My boyfriend came along with me to the Paris gig on Oct 7th. He was very excited about seeing Depeche Mode for the first time after spending nine years with a very devoted fan and he was also getting addicted. Midday at Bercy and you could not see the pavement for Depeche Mode fans. The T-shirts, flat top haircuts, Dave and Martin look-a-likes everywhere – it was out of this world. Paris to us was full of strangers but we really felt at home. We hit the metro dressed in black at 7pm and we were ready to go. The journey was 20 minutes or so. We arrived at Bercy and I was shaking like a leaf. I have never watched the support bands before because I am only interested in Depeche Mode and so have never had to queue up, but it was great. This time I was determined to bring a camera so I sneaked it in and was horrified to have been searched twice, but I got away with it. Purity were OK, not my type of music but a credit to them. Depeche Mode were really late coming on stage, something like half an hour and we must have done the Mexican wave about twenty times. Lights out and huge screams, cheers and whistles came from the fans. I was brought to tears as Depeche Mode came on. They blasted out “A Question Of Time” and I almost fell off my five-inch platforms through dancing like crazy. Dave looked as beautiful as ever so fit and healthy. I learnt some new moves off him too!!! When Martin sang “Home”, I was in a trance so much I had lighter burns on my thumb. He just put me under a spell as it was just so beautifully sung. My favourite songs of the tour were “Stripped” because that song has lots of memories for me, especially of the “Black Celebration” concert I went to in 1986. Janet and Jordan’s voices gave me shivers during “In Your Room” because they were so good. “Never Let Me Down Again” because I love it when thousands of people come together as one. “Personal Jesus” because it rocked so much. “Home” because Martin sang from the bottom of his heart – it also hit my heart and “Just Can’t Get Enough” because I can’t get enough of Depeche Mode. I’ve not enjoyed myself so much since 1990 when I last saw my idols in concert. Before I end I must be honest – I was a bit hurt and probably jealous of the amount of devoted fans Depeche Mode have and never thought that anyone loved Depeche Mode as much as me but I was wrong. They have a huge following and every fan feels that Depeche Mode belongs to them. We all know this feeling – a feeling of love and devotion.
Marilyn Owen
Anglesey, England