Depeche Mode - Bong 51 (2002-03) |


Well-known member
Bong 51 (March 2002)


Well-known member
Bong 51 (March 2002)

Introduction (announcement on the end of Bong) by Lynn Newcombe / Michaela Olexova
How I Won The Best Fan Award by Claudia Borgwardt / Uncredited
Nearly (Not) Exciting Tour by Karen Houston
I Met That Bloke From Depeche Mode Once by Eileen Becker / Anke Lieven

page 1 Dave live
page 2 Dave and Fletch (promo picture)
page 3 page 4 live shots


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Well-known member
[March 2002. Words: Lynn Newcombe / Michaela Olexova.]
Summary: I don't normally include announcements, but this one is special as it announces the end of Bong magazine and the reasons why.

Hello! It’s a BONG time again!

Welcome to the spring edition of Bong Magazine. In this issue we have brought back some of our regular features such as Pressed In Black, Mega Devotee File, Bootlegs and your favourite, Competition Time Again.

However, we do have some sad news, as we have to inform you that it has been decided that production of Bong Magazine will end with the next magazine, Bong 52, in June. Over the past few years, the band’s award-winning website has evolved to the point where it is able to provide up to the minute information, which can be accessed by a huge audience in every corner of the world. We all feel that this is the way forward in keeping everyone up to speed on what’s happening with Depeche Mode.

It goes without saying that Andy, Martin and Dave, as well as all of us here at Bong, thank you all sincerely for your loyal support as subscribers to Bong, and we are all very sorry to have to give you this news. We hope, however, that you will understand our position. We also feel rewarded personally, for being able to produce this magazine and share the devotion for Depeche Mode with all of you over the years.

Members who have paid subscriptions beyond issue 52 will, of course, receive appropriate refunds.

The band themselves are currently taking a break following the “Exciter Tour”, and there are no further tour plans at the moment.

It is hard to believe that this time last year we were announcing dates for the “Exciter Tour” – the year has gone so fast!! The same can be said for this year’s Bong Convention in Basildon – one minute we have months to prepare for it, and the next it’s sold out and virtually round the corner. Only a couple more weeks to wait until we pack our bags and wing our way down to Basildon and enjoy a fabulous weekend dedicated to Depeche Mode and their music. We can’t wait to meet you all and keep moding until the early hours! There are going to be several new contests and some special DM prizes to be won – so get ready! Please note that this event is completely sold out and there will be no admission on the door.

Finally, we are about to start production on the final issue of Bong (No. 52) due out in June and we would like to make it as special as possible for you to treasure, so we are giving you a chance to make your own personal wish list of what you would like to see in the final edition of Bong! You can send your requests and thoughts to the usual post or e-mail address by the beginning of April please.

Until June – keep moding!


Well-known member
[Bong 51, March 2002. Words: Claudia Borgwardt / Uncredited.]
Summary: A German fan recounts how she was chosen for an award from Carlsberg / MTV Europe for her devotion to Depeche Mode. Includes the official press release for the awards evening.

Dear DM Fans!

As I have received a lot of questions from the Depeche Mode fan base about the MTV Best Fan Award, how it happened that I was nominated as most devoted fan and how it felt when I won it etc.? I would like to share this exciting experience with you. I want to let all the fans know that I’d like to dedicate this award to Depeche Mode fans all over the world, as they are the most faithful, the craziest, sometimes the most fanatic (Martin said) and the most honest fans I have ever known. This award is for all of us! The following press release features most of the information on myself and my devotion, which was included in the entry form to win this award, plus some photos taken from that memorable night.
Claudia Borgwardt

The official press release

Germany Defeats the Rest of Europe and Walks Away with the Prestigious Carlsberg Best Fan Award

The winner of the prestigious Carlsberg Best Fan title was announced last night, at a glittering and star-studded event spectacular at Union Halle, Frankfurt. Thousands of entries from across Europe had been shortlisted to just five finalists, which were then judged by a panel of music industry experts. German fan Claudia Borgwardt won the unique award for her outstanding devotion to electronic keyboard masters, Depeche Mode. The award, in association with the MTV Europe Music Awards 2001, is the only one of its type that pays tribute to the fans, without whom the EMA would not be quite the same.

Claudia rose above the competition for her overwhelming passion for music idols Depeche Mode that began when she was just 12 years old. 30 year old Claudia, a self employed human resources consultant grew up in the then repressed East Berlin where she was unable to study or attend concerts of her beloved group. So at 18 years old she left her family and friends behind and fled her country alone. During this lonely and painful time Claudia’s spirits were kept alive by the music and lyrics of Depeche Mode. The self-confessed star-struck fan is so devoted to the group she sports a Depeche Mode tattoo, and is currently putting together a documentary on lead singer David Gahan’s life as a declaration of her love for him and the band.

Claudia lovingly accepted the Carlsberg Best Fan Award trophy in her home country of Germany during the amazing party at the magnificent Union Halle in Frankfurt. Sensational uberbabe Caprice presented the award ceremony to an audience of 15000 VIP guests. [1] Joining Caprice were special guests including the world famous band Los Amigos Invisibles and one of Europe’s best loved party stormers; Lazy Dog’s DJ Jay Hannan.

Tickets were like gold dust for the event that was described as “Probably the best pre-show awards party ever.” Carlsberg, the longest running sponsor of the MTV Europe Music Awards 2001 celebrated its fourth year of the Carlsberg Best Fan Award during a week of fantastic music celebrations, it is the only award that pays tribute to fans of music.

[1] - Incidentally, Caprice was by her own admission a big fan of Depeche Mode through the eighties, saying to the UK free newspaper Metro in 2001 that she "lived for" them when she was younger.


Well-known member
[Bong 51, March 2002. Words: Karen Houston.]
Summary: A British fan vents her disappointment and frustration when a trip to see Depeche Mode in Barcelona goes very wrong.

This letter may seem a little late, date wise… but I want to share with you my account of the Madrid concert on October 14, 2001.

I flew out of Liverpool very early morning 13th October, full of excitement for two very good reasons. I was going to see the best band in the world for the first time and on top of that, the concert was being played on my 21st birthday, which was to make it the best present ever. I bought the tickets off the Internet on the 12th April and had been waiting in anticipation for this time to come.

I spent the 13th wandering around Madrid with my sister who came with me, getting my bearings, and to my amazement there were no posters anywhere, advertising the fact that Depeche Mode were to be playing here. This struck me as very odd, because in England posters cover the venue and neighbouring districts advertising the fact that a concert is taking place.

On the 14th October, I turned 21, and was bursting with excitement because I knew I was going to have a fantastic time. We set off from Sol, the central area of Madrid, and were given directions to take the metro to Atocha, where we were supposed to get two different buses, but decided to take a taxi because it was a part of Madrid we didn’t have a map for. The taxi driver knew we had no idea where we were going and so ripped us off charging us nearly £12. We arrived in Leganes at La Cubierta Bullring at 8pm thinking that we were only a few minutes late for the support band, but there was an eerie silence and only two posters on the actual building for Depeche Mode. The first time I had seen advertising for the concert! These posters mentioned a different venue and there was no one around to tell us what was going on. I popped into the bar at La Cubierta Bullring to ask, and was told that a lot of people have been asking about the concert but that she did not know where it was. I ended up phoning BBVA tickets whose phone number was on the bottom of the poster, and they managed to tell me that the venue had been changed, and that this only happened a week ago. I panicked then because we were two females stuck in the middle of nowhere on our own, with no map of the area, and no idea which way to start walking to get to Palacio De Vistalegre and even worse, I thought that after travelling from England to Spain to see Depeche Mode I was going to miss out. Luckily, we met a bloke from Stoke who had been to see DM in Barcelona the previous night so at least we had some male company for safety, and besides, he was in the same predicament as we were. Also according to what the lady behind the bar said, quite a few people were in the dark about the venue.

It took a good half an hour of roaming around the area to find a taxi, which we did by chance, even the driver wasn’t sure of the location of Vistalegre, but we eventually managed to get ourselves on en route from Leganes to the new venue. By the time we arrived at Palacio De Vistalegre it was roughly 8:45pm and we had missed the support act completely, it was another 10 minutes before we were allowed our tickets because of the BBVA policy that the credit card holder and purchaser had to be the one to pick up the tickets, but they were a present for my birthday off my mum and so she wasn’t there for the collection. Finally, at 8:58pm we were inside the venue, which was bursting with people so much so, we ended up more or less behind the stage, with nothing but scaffolding for a view, only managing to see Dave and Martin when they moved to the far end on the stage or when Dave stood on the speakers at the centre of the stage.

As soon as the music began everything changed, the atmosphere was electric and everything that had happened that evening had to be pushed aside. As I saw Dave Gahan for the first time and heard him sing, live, I felt an enormous rush of energy go through my body. It was so powerful it brought tears to my eyes. The most meaningful song of the night, as it is my absolute favourite was “Enjoy The Silence”. As soon as I heard the introduction I was full of emotion and the rest of the crowd’s reaction reflected it. It was only when the concert finished I realised what a huge cock-up the whole thing was and that we were in the middle of nowhere with no idea of how to get back to Sol. It took one 10 minute bus ride to get home, so instead of going from Sol to Atocha to Leganes and then on the Vistalegre, we could have in fact used the bus from Sol straight to the venue, if we had known.

It was only when I got home to England and back on the computer on Thursday 18th and went on the Depeche Mode web site, I found a two line sentence about the change of venue, which was posted on the 10th. I then checked my emails and found the same message half way down the page of a DM updated mail, which I received on 10th October – it wasn’t even top priority on the update. It was only by chance that I got the update, because I signed up on the mailing list. What would have happened if people were not on the mailing list? How would they have found out?

I was disappointed with the fact that the venue changed with only one week’s notice. This one week’s notice meant that it was known by the 7th and it was only posted on the 10th, leaving people like myself who do not have over frequent access to the Internet travelling abroad without this knowledge. This almost spoilt my birthday, as it was the only reason for being in Madrid. The basic point is lack of organisation and communication, no advertising in the town centre with posters and an email that I got by chance, which mentioned the move half way down its page. Why was this information only posted on the 10th when I was told by BBV, when I phoned them that night that this knowledge was around on the 7th? You did not give enough warning time and it should have been announced as soon as it was known. Even the tickets still stated La Cubierta Bullring!

I know this may sound like a letter full of complaint but the sad fact is that I just wanted to have a great time for my 21st and see my favourite band for the first time. I nearly ended up with nothing, and to top it off, due to wasted taxi money to the wrong venue I only had enough money to get a programme. I know the Mode are too busy to sign things, facing a screaming mob is probably the last thing they need after performing with the energy and soul that they did. I just wish I could have seen them close up and got a birthday message on my programme, no such luck though… I never even got any photos from the concert, because of the scaffolding holding the stage being in the line of view.

I sign off saying “thank you” for the memorable night, only I want the next time to be 100% more than this time…

Karen Houston
Chorley, England


Well-known member
[Bong 51, March 2002. Words: Eileen Becker / Anke Lieven.]

Summary: Two German fans retell the times they met members of Depeche Mode on the Singles Tour and Exciter Tour.
[As this was a regular feature, there are too many similar articles to list here. Try the Bong main page, beginning at Bong 24.]

If you met Depeche Mode or one of the band members and would like to share your experiences with other fans, this is your chance. We are giving you an opportunity to tell us when and where you met the Modes and under what circumstances. You can send us full stories or simple details, whatever you prefer. We would also appreciate any photos you have that we could print as it always makes the page more interesting and will prove to everyone that you were really there! Please, be assured that we will take good care of your photos and return them to you on your request. Don’t forget to mark everything with your name and address.

I would like to write a few lines about the so-called “most beautiful day in my life” – the day I met Depeche Mode. Yes, I really had a chance to make the dream come true for all fans of any star. After the second concert Depeche Mode played in Berlin on September 18th, 1998, I was actually planning to celebrate this great event at an after-concert-party but I was almost dead of exhaustion… waiting for many hours and standing in the very first row during both of the gigs. I heard about the hotel Depeche Mode were supposed to stay in, I decided to give it a try and go there. When I reached the hotel I was almost asleep but woke up totally in a few seconds as I noticed a small crowd of journalists waiting by the entrance. Although the journalists didn’t go inside, I decided to go straight in to the bar. Before entering the bar, I was warned by some bodyguards not to take any photos, but I didn’t care as I couldn’t believe what was happening. Then I spotted Fletch leaving the bar to go to the toilet and while he passed by he must have recognised a fan in me. So he came to me, shook my hand and said: “Hey, you were in the front row, weren’t you?” and smiled. I don’t know what or why I did it but I went to the bar where I discovered Martin. I quickly asked him to take a picture with me and he agreed. I spent most of that night on the bar next to Martin and Fletch drinking and laughing. Martin was grinning when ordering a lot of “weizenbier” and when he went up to his room to get some sleep he came to shake hands with us and say goodnight. A good night is not really what I had as I could not sleep at all and still had to think at what had just happened. For a few minutes I dreamt my dream again and that is what remained: a dream. Now, after two and a half years, it is still something I cannot believe: a dream. But this is what Depeche Mode try to tell us… “Dream On”, isn’t it?
Eileen Becker
Berlin, Germany

I cannot really find the words to describe what I experienced a few years ago when I went to Hamburg with three of my friends, my partner Mario and my little daughter Marlena, who was 13 months old at the time. We went to see our favourite band while they stayed in town to give a press conference. We met the guys at the airport and they were all very nice and extremely friendly. Fletch greeted my daughter straight away saying, “Hello, baby!” then Martin stopped to tickle her a little. Dave seemed very protective of her making sure no one was pushing her when he said to me: “Take care of the baby.” We gave him a toy for his daughter and told him that “Goodnight Lovers” was a very good bedtime song for Marlena. He then thanked us several times. We were lucky to stay at the same hotel as the band members and spent a really great time with them at the bar. The next day was also unforgettable as you don’t often get to see Dave in his jogging suit or Jonathan Kessler rushing through the hotel in his bathrobe. On the day of the press conference, my family and I wanted to say good-bye to Dave, and to our surprise he said he had a little gift for our daughter. It was a very sweet teddy bear, which he had taken down from his room. When my daughter opened the present later on, she said “teddy” for the first time. I would like to thank all those who made this dream come true and a special “thank you” to Torsten Balzer who filmed and photographed everything for us. I wish every fan who has the same dream, could experience the same without feeling jealous of me!!
Anke Lieven
Berlin, Germany